Monday, 29 November 2010

The Students march on...or is it the Marxists?

Extract from the "Second Day of National Action" on Facebook. Over 24,000 people attending

This is an unbelievable piece of lefty drivel


(Click 'read more' to see the locally organised events)

The National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts and a general assembly of London students have issued a call for further action on the 30 November.
It's not long now until the Con-Dems try to pass their education cuts through parliament, and if they do – we will keep fighting!

But in the meantime – ALL OUT FOR THE 30 NOVEMBER!

• No to fees
• No to cuts
• Save EMA

(tax the filthy rich to fund education for all)


Organise meetings at every school and college to build for the day of action. Set up a blog or a facebook group for your local group and link it to Try to pull off actions regularly, even if they are only small.

We say:
• No to every cut!
• Publish the financial records – we won't tolerate rich and bloated managers
• Teachers' unions – bring forward your grievances – we should strike together!

Every city should have a city-wide general assembly every week that brings together representatives of all the different college anti-cuts campaigns. These city-wide assemblies should make decisions about joint actions. They should be run democratically – the chair should rotate and the meeting should not be the ‘property’ of any one group or faction. Everyone should respect the decisions that get made collectively.


Send a report of whatever action you take to the National Campaign at (also email us if you need help or more information). Include pictures if possible!

We can make it happen!



Local Events -

I love you Mossad!

Taken from the BBC Website - Mossad I applaud you!


Iranian nuclear scientist killed in motorbike attack

Bullet marks one of the scientist's cars (image from AlAlam TV) The scientists were targeted in separate attacks on their way to work
An Iranian nuclear scientist has been killed and another wounded in two separate but similar attacks in the capital, Tehran.
The scientists were targeted by men on motorbikes who attached bombs to the windows of their cars as they drove to work, officials said.
The scientist killed has been named as Majid Shahriari.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has accused "Western governments" and Israel of being behind the killing.
Another scientist was killed in a bomb blast at the beginning of the year.
Dr Shahriari was a member of the nuclear engineering department of Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran. His wife is said to have been injured in the attack.
The nuclear scientist injured in the second attack was named as Fereydoon Abbasi. His wife was also wounded.
'Isotope specialist'
According to the conservative news website Mashregh News, Dr Abbasi is "one of the few specialists who can separate isotopes" - a process that is crucial in the manufacture of uranium fuel for nuclear power stations and is also required for the creation of uranium-based nuclear weapons.
Dr Abbasi has also been a member of the Revolutionary Guards since the 1979 revolution, the website said.
At a news conference, President Ahmadinejad accused Western powers and Israel of being behind the murder.
"One can undoubtedly see the hands of Israel and Western governments in the assassination which unfortunately took place," he said, without specifying which Western governments.
He said the assassination would not stop Iran from pursuing its nuclear programmes.
Earlier, state television reported a similar claim by Iran's Interior Minister, Mostafa Mohammad Najjar, who accused US and Israeli intelligence services of killing the scientist.
"Mossad and the CIA are the enemies of Iranians and always seek to hurt this nation. They particularly want to stop our scientific progress," he said.
The head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation, Ali Akbar Salehi, who went to visit the surviving scientist in hospital, said he had a message for the country's enemies: "Do not play with fire".
Controversial programme
Masoud Ali Mohammadi (undated image) Masoud Ali Mohammadi died in a bomb blast in January as he left his home

The Iranian scientist killed in January this year, Masoud Ali Mohammadi, was said to be a nuclear scientist assassinated by counter-revolutionaries, Zionists and agents of the "global arrogance", Iranian media said at the time.
But scientists in the UK and the US said that, from his substantial body of published research, Dr Mohammadi was unlikely to have been working on Iran's nuclear programme, and that his expertise was in another field of physics altogether - quantum mechanics.
There has been much controversy over Iran's nuclear activities.
Tehran says its nuclear programme is for peaceful energy purposes, but the US and other Western nations suspect it of seeking to build nuclear weapons.
On Saturday, Iran said its first atomic power plant in the southern city of Bushehr had begun operations, ahead of a new round of talks with Western powers over the country's nuclear drive.

Brown packaging, eh no!

Im tired of being told everything can kill me!  Alcohol must be drunk "responsibly" and "smoking kills."

Guess what! I know smoking isn't good for me!
I've been indoctrinated since school that it is bad for me!

We don't need this micro-managing state to remove the packaging from the fags, it makes them look illicit and illegal.  But this is all part of the anti-capitalist drive to remove alcohol, tabacco and oil companies from the Western world.

Andrew Lansley - Ask Nick or Dave if they will still smoke if the packets are brown, they will say yes.
So kindly fuck off...

Burying bad news in the snow?

Today the news is dominated by Wikileaks and the Snow.  It seems this country can't actually deal with snow. Ever

Wikileaks has alos caused a stire with the release of  250,000 US government cables.  This is a fantastic victory for power to the people and taking it away from politicians and civil servants.

The real question we need to ask ourselves is what is being buried today amongst the snow and the leaks???

Saturday, 27 November 2010

The Hottest MP on the block??

Gloria De Piero is a former GMTV presenter and Labour MP for Ashfield.


Have to say, the people of Ashfield are very lucky!

The Awkward Teenager strikes again - Ed Miliband speaking

Wat's Politicians of the Week

Best Politician of the Week

Nigel Farage

Farage is leader of UKIP, the closest the UK has to a Libertarian party.  He appeared on Thursday nights Question Time.  He became the top Twitter trend in the UK and one of the top trends world-wide.  He is one of the few politicians the British public genuinely like and trust!
Farage has also had the boost of the first national paper support a Better Off Out campaign regarding the EU.  On Thursday the Daily Express launched this campaign.

Worst Politician of the Week
David Cameron

Our Prime Minister has done his best to show spinelessness again this week.  He over reacted to Lord Youngs comments and has done the same to Howard Flight.  Dave has also told us the government will be measuring our happiness now!

A Climate of change in Labour

Ed Miliband has said he will overhaul Labour policy over the next two years.
He says Climate Change must be at the core of any new policies. 
His party will return to its socialist, trade union links under him, so that's 2 flawed theories his party will work from. 

Red Ed has his work cut out, he has to oust the the Blairites somehow or other, possibley an unfortunate plane crash?

DUP Conference

The UKs 4th largest Party, Northern Ireland's Democratic Unionist Party, is holding it's annual conference in Belfast this weekend.
The DUP are Northern Ireland's largest party, and their Leader, Peter Robinson, is joint First Minister with ex-IRA man, Sinn Feins Martin McGuiness.

Robinson is not famed for his charisma or charm, but he seems to have pulled an excellent speech out of the bag.
His most laughable claim in this speech was that he would re-claim his former Westminster seat in Belfast.  Robinson lost his East Belfast seat to the minor Alliance Party.  This was one of the few shocks during Mays general election.

If you've ever needed a reason why insular parties are a bad idea, watch this

No, I DON'T contibute to the New Statesmen

This evening I came across someone spouting Socialist drivel pretending to be Wat Tyler!
Well they aren't...end of story!

You can see the article here

Friday, 26 November 2010

A Major mistake??

Sir John Major (ex-prime minister if you live in a bubble) has expressed support for longer-term co-operation between the Tories and the Lib-Dems.

Conservative Home have the story from tomorrows Telegraph

He said, during a speech at an Cambridge College
“Can the Coalition achieve its purpose in five years? It will be hard pounding but its programme is essential to national wellbeing and so, if uncompleted, I hope some way can be found to prolong co-operation beyond this parliament... It may be that a temporary alliance will turn into a mini-realignment of politics: after all, in a world that is changing so comprehensively, why should politics not change, too?”
“Neither party will admit that possibility at present, not least because it would upset their core vote but, if events turn out well for the Coalition, I, for one, would not be surprised at that outcome."

Im not entirely sure what planet Mr Major is living on, but he says what many Cameroons have been advocating for months.
The Right of the Tory party are less than comfortable with the Coalition at the best of times, never-mind the horror of merger!  This would force many Conservatives to defect to UKIP

I think this is a worthwhile occasion for a Tory grandee to say they were wrong and apologize!

Miliband shows his Red credentials

On Radio 5 Live Red Ed stated "I am a socialist"

Aside from the hundreds of issues about being a socialist, he is giving Red Len, Unite's new General Secretary, the nod that he is a true lefty.
Ed has also signalled he may join student protests, this is frankly laughable. Ed was an advisor when the Labour government first introdued these fees, and a Minister when the Browne Report was commissioned!

This will make many in Labour and the wider Trade Unions happy, but he is well and truly fucking the floating voters.
He floudered on the Today programme this morning. If the opposition leader can't even deal with the questions of John "have we won" Humphreys then how will he deal with the public!

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Welcome to Wat Tyler Thinks!

Good Evening and welcome to the launch of my Blog

Gordon Brown will give us a speech, he has alot of spare time on his hands....

So please, give me suggestions, comments or advice on Twitter @WatTyler_Thinks or

Thank You


Tuesday, 23 November 2010


YOU are invited to

The Champagne Launch of "Wat Tyler Thinks" Blog

When? 10pm on Thursday 25th November

Where? It will take place in your very own house!

Equipment required: Champagne, Glasses, internet access

Yours Sincerely

Wat Tyler

"A Bug's Life" metaphor

Monday, 22 November 2010

Cowen, Ireland's Gordo

Brian Cowen, the Irish Prime Minister is doing a "Brown."
He is clinging onto his position for dear life, with the country and his party out to get him.

The issue now isn't what will happen to Ireland, frankly I dont care, but who is next...
...even France?

I'm keeping my fingers-crossed for a EuroZone collapse as my Christmas Present

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Maggie knew this would happen....

Peter Oborne in the Telegraph has a great article about how Mrs T predicted the Euro would do what its done

RIP Republic Of Ireland 1949 - 2010

Over the past week we have seen Ireland move from wounded EuroZone member to an economic vegetable.
Ireland is giving what soveriegnty it still holds to Europe/  By this time next week the citizens of the German province of Ireland will have replaced their Guiness and potatoes for WeiBbeir and bratwurst.

So to all the Irish out there, learn some basic German and try to remember the name of Mr Rumpy Bumpy