Friday, 26 November 2010

A Major mistake??

Sir John Major (ex-prime minister if you live in a bubble) has expressed support for longer-term co-operation between the Tories and the Lib-Dems.

Conservative Home have the story from tomorrows Telegraph

He said, during a speech at an Cambridge College
“Can the Coalition achieve its purpose in five years? It will be hard pounding but its programme is essential to national wellbeing and so, if uncompleted, I hope some way can be found to prolong co-operation beyond this parliament... It may be that a temporary alliance will turn into a mini-realignment of politics: after all, in a world that is changing so comprehensively, why should politics not change, too?”
“Neither party will admit that possibility at present, not least because it would upset their core vote but, if events turn out well for the Coalition, I, for one, would not be surprised at that outcome."

Im not entirely sure what planet Mr Major is living on, but he says what many Cameroons have been advocating for months.
The Right of the Tory party are less than comfortable with the Coalition at the best of times, never-mind the horror of merger!  This would force many Conservatives to defect to UKIP

I think this is a worthwhile occasion for a Tory grandee to say they were wrong and apologize!

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